Create your own plan

Create your own plan

Do you want to manage dry leaves within your premises? Use this template to create a plan for yourself. Don't worry, it is not as difficult as it sounds. Use these pointers below, check what is applicable to you and create the plan. For composting method, use our comparison chart.

If you need any help, remember, you can always drop a mail or a msg on whatsapp. We are just a click away 🙂




This is how we are going to do it.

First step is to assess the area. Select the area for mulching, select the area for composting. And if at all quantity is surplus, then donation is the 3rd option.

For mulching, refer to section “Mulching in detail” and create your own project guidelines.

For composting, follow the guidelines below.

A close up of a logo Description automatically generated

Step1: Details about your area

Roughly how much is the area? In sq. ft?

(NOTE: If you do not know exactly, that is fine. Just a rough estimate is fine)

How many trees do you have?

Which type of trees?

(NOTE: eg: Mango, Jamun, Ashoka, Jackfruit, Peepal, Banyan, Nilgiri. If you do not know the name, it is fine. Click a photograph and share with us, if easily possible. Else, no problem. We can work with number of trees)

Name of treeNumberRemark (if any)
e.g.: Mango2 

Step 2: Let’s check how much help you have

Do you sweep the fallen leaves?

If not, then who does it?

(NOTE: gardener, house-keeping staff?)

How many times in a week, do they come?

Where is the water tap?

(NOTE: For composting, moisture is necessary. You would need to water the leaves. It would be helpful if tap is nearby)

Composting Method Caparison chart

This chart contains comparison between various composting methods. It will help you decide the suitable method for you.

The last column “looks” might look you strange. What aesthetics have to do with composting?

But do not underestimate it :-). In a society, many members are concerned with how shabby, pit and pile composting looks. They can lean towards enclosure composting, even if pit and pile are more cost effective.

I suggest give equal weightage to “looks”, while comparing the methods.

MethodCostEase of implementationOperational convenienceEase of HarvestingLooks



Cost of digging the pitLeaves are collected and are simple deposited in the pit.EasyCompost is ready in the lower most layer. So considerable efforts in harvesting.Not very attractive
Pile Composting0Leaves are swept in the pile.EasyPile needs to be shifted to access the ready compost in the lower most layer. Hence considerable efforts, though less than pit.Not very attractive
Enclosure CompostingCost of material to build the composter. Additional labor charges for fabricated composterIt needs some efforts as leaves need to be swept, picked and put in the composter.EasyVery easy since we have designed door/ opening towards the bottom, where compost would be ready first.Looks quite neat and attractive

A quick recap of pile, pit and enclosure composting? 

Here are the links, 

Pit Composting

Pile Composting

Enclosure Composting

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