What Happens in Nature

What Happens in Nature

What happens in nature

Have you been to any forest area? Area where there is no human interference?

Whatever leaves fall on the ground, remain there because there is nobody sweeping off those leaves.

Forest floor looks something like this, isn’t it?

A tree in a forest

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For a landscape where humans do not reside, leaf fall is never a challenge.

Trees shed leaves; leaves remain on the ground.

They form a protective layer over the soil. Because of this layer, harsh sunlight does not reach the soil. Soil retains moisture.

When you are in such area, definitely try this. Brush aside some leaves and check the soil underneath. You will find it dark in color, crumbly and moist.

As opposed to that, observe soil that is constantly exposed to the sun. And soil on the side of the road, in the playground. This soil is very hard and compact. Because of constant exposure to the sun, all the life, all the microbial activity in the soil halts. Such soil is lifeless.

When soil is covered with dry leaves, a variety of insects find shelter under these leaves, from the scorching summer heat.

When a tree is growing, it absorbs nutrients from the soil. A part of those nutrients are present in the fallen leaves.

When rains arrive, leaves decompose, and nutrients return to the soil.

And that is why there is no waste in forest. Rather concept of waste does not exist in nature, where there is no human habitation.


Such cyclic processes recycle nutrients. That is why nature never runs out of resources. It is not that resources are infinite in nature.

But through cyclic process, same resources are used and re-used. And that is why this cycle has gone on for years and years.

This brilliant design of nature is what we would be copying in our life.

How, we will see in subsequent sections.

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